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Plutselig Sirkus - international site

Plutselig Sirkus is a Norwegian circus-theatre company founded by Morten Uglebjerg Norli and Anna Nerdrum Bøgwald in 2016. 

Plutselig Sirkus means Suddenly Circus, and with our art we want to create a sudden experience of circus, magic and wonder.

We specialize in performing arts for children and families, and we love to hear the kids laugh. 


We are currently presenting the production 'Wow!', which is available for international touring.

The show is suitable for international theater festivals, or a theatre's family programming, where the aim is to engage families, creating a shared experience that resonates with both kids and adults. With its non-verbal storytelling, the show is ideal for an international audience. Wow! is a heartwarming children's and family theatre show with elements of circus, humor and live music integrated into the story of two curious clown friends and a musician who explore a strange universe together. Odd things happen to them there; some silver blocks move on their own, a pink juggling ball makes beautiful sounds, and as the clowns play with what they discover, circus acts suddenly arise. With his beautiful music and strange sounds on the accordion, the musician gives voice to the unfoldment of the clowns' journeys, to their hilarious challenges and entanglements, and to the blossoming of their friendship. The theme of the performance is the joy of collaboration: we want to show what kinds of beautiful things we human beings can create when we join forces and dare to interact in play and co-creation. 

Please feel free to contact us for further information or to discuss potential international touring opportunities

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